The Pure Bloods #2

Chapter two ” The past awoken”

Kobi shouted at her sister Koni “we have to return to the village, Quickly now, the power of our people will protect us”

However, Koni ignored her sister while moving closer to the mysterious man standing in the shadows of the ruins, ” Who are you?, why are you here? and how you came here?”

Too many questions little one, he said

It’s I the Keeper of Pure bloods, the protector of our people and the maker of the great builders the Frajans. Doro the Pure one, Said the man with Bright moon light shinning directly on him.

Koni went on ” This doesn’t answer why you are here?, and how you came here?”

The law of the island of course little one, Doro replied

Kobi spoke this time with buzzeled tone, but….what is that?

“Poor child, I see they haven’t taught you much, join me and I shall reveal to you another World, you never known” the man went on

The law of the island is the very existence of this Island, its the ancient way, Replied Doro

“One of you must be pure blood or maybe both” only a pure blood will read the symbols and awaken the power of the Frajans”

Kobi Grabbed her Sister’s hand and screamed Loudly ” In the power of my people, Take us Back”

Both Sisters vanished as if they evaporated in the air.

“I will see you again Pure ones” Whispered Doro as he Returned back to the ruins.

How did we come back here, shouted Koni at her sister kobi.

Father and mother tried to keep a lot from you, Said Kobi while very exhausted sitting on a rock by the elder’s famous cave.

What is that and Why? spoke koni with a hurt tone to her sister.

Replied kobi while brushing her sister’s hair behind her ear “to protect you”

End of Chapter two.

Mr. Flench #1

Another old man walking down the street, unnoticed by many, but it’s the way he wants it to be. He walked down the street with a smile on his face and skip in his step. He can be unnoticed when he chooses. After all it’s his job to be unnoticed. He is a private detective in this town and few people have gone missing lately. Mr. Flench solved many disappearing incidents in the past for the mayor but not this time, it’s been few weeks without a single clue. The reason for this is that no one reported those disappearing incidents as if it was a normal event. Shops have gone abandoned, houses have gone silent. Families are going on without reporting disappearances of their family members. The only reason the mayor received a word, is many businesses have shut down in town effecting the town’s market because the owners are no longer around to run the business.

The mayor waited and waited for individuals to return, but things took an interesting turn when the families of those individuals never left town, they are simply living their lives normally without a single report to the police office in town that a family member has gone missing. Mr. flench received a call from the Mayor in a very early morning one Sunday, asking him once more to help solve this mystery. It’s been weeks since Mr. Flench could find any clue until he noticed an interesting thing. There, around the corner, the book store is completely empty with nothing to sell, but yet opens every day and receives customers in and out without a single purchase made…


Landed in Egypt few Days ago, I have to admit things are much different than I remember. However, other things are still the same. Streets are still buzzing with people until late at night. No such thing as shops closing at 8 or 9 at night. Catching up with family and friends are the best. Again around my parents an amazing feeling when you taste your mum’s cooking after being a way for a while. Enjoying every last bit of it while it lasts. Visited Sharm el Sheikh which’s a beautiful city by the red sea, you should check it out sometime if you ever around Egypt.

Charming Sharm El Sheikh in Egypt lays the red carpet for the 14th ...

Camping your worries away!

Last weekend was the 4th of July weekend and I finally got a chance to do one of my Favorite things which is Camping. The more I camp the more it feels therapeutic. you set in a calm environment. Listening to nothing but nature. You hear the firewood clicking while it’s burning away. you gaze into the fire and you almost feel every breathe you take and give out. life starts slowing down around you. suddenly you are not rushing to do anything. it’s as if you burned all your worries away when you started this camp fire. You also start appreciating nature more and pay more attention to what’s around you. No more distractions just wind moving tree branches and birds singing in every tone which start sounding very familiar to the ear.

Get back in touch with nature, it might heal you and it might even notice you back as you start noticing it and shows you a side of it that could capture you for life.

That Time in Spain!

I remember this wonderful experience few years back when I landed with my wife in Barcelona, Since the moment we landed we felt we are somewhere,culturally rich and magical. sometimes, it’s good for you to get out there and experience new places. Traveling is so mind opening and soul enriching, you meet new people you see new places, and most of all you learn new ways of living your life. Treat yourself to a trip somewhere new whenever you can, it can be life changing. I would recommend when visiting Barcelona to rent a car and drive by costa brava, which’s the east northern cost of Spain starting at Barcelona all the way to the French boarders, make sure to stop by that small town Portbou in spain right before you cross the french borders,

Portbou | Costa Brava Tourist Guide

Then if you feel more adventures. Cross the french boarders make sure to stop by a small town in southern France called Collioure. If you are looking for small french town feel, you will get that feeling there specially with the local french market. I have to admit it was such a great experience to be there and view the world from a different angel.

Nine great reasons to buy a property in Collioure on the other ...

Such an enchanting feeling when you hear a different language than what you’r ears used to. You see different life rhythms for other cultures and how nature is varying in every corner of this world that we share as human beings.

Trying to be alone is a waste of a family!

First let me start by saying happy father’s day to all of you fathers out there. So, as a family we get under each other skins sometimes, but I have to admit this one took me years to figure out. Few years back I wanted to stay in a little bubble with my significant other, shutting everyone out. But with more time passing, you find yourself missing those little conversations or actions that used to drive you crazy or annoy you because of it’s repetitiveness and you start suddenly asking yourself what is life if it’s not about those little moments here and there. you might say now “Right, why would I mess something like this that give me nothing but headaches and bore me to death”. Well, it’s simple because we don’t really grasp good things when they are given to us in daily bases, it’s hard to notice something that’s been there all the time.

Something I learned on the long run, being patient is a key to enjoy what we have today because we have no idea how much we could be missing this tomorrow and a family means warmth and life at least to me. because that is what life is chaotic and messy but through that we enjoy the unexpected. it’s what makes life unpredictable. family is one of life form of blessings.

So please remember trying to be alone is a waste of a family!

Nothing as it seems!

As a new Gardner trying to work on my yard for the first time, I found myself realizing their is more to it than just hard work, made me wonder what else in life looks like un interesting hard working experience but it’s actually fun and take your mind of things. I lost track of time found myself enjoying digging and planting new plants in my yard, getting to recognize for the first time the difference between weeds and regular plants. when you little more about things you can realize that nothing as it seems.

Knowledge could really transform your views on how you are looking at things, for example I just learned about crab grass and other weeds. I was walking by my yard completely not noticing it. Now that I learned about it it’s all I see in my Yard. Well, I will continue enjoying the experience and will share anything else I learn about this experience in my future writings.

What you want might not be what you need!

I Found myself thinking today, I spent long time chasing things I want, But I already have What I need. Sometimes we think what we want is what we need. We could Waste a huge chunk of our life Chasing a myth, ignoring what is right in front of us, reminded me of a story of this man in his twenties who spent every day trying to leave his home town because it’s slow life style, relaxing and boring. Then when he reached his Sixties he realized that all he ever wanted was a peaceful life somewhere relaxing.

So I decided to stop wasting my time chasing what I think I need because I want it. Maybe it’s time to enjoy what I have because it might be all I ever going to need.

Free The Monkey!

I find myself sometimes wondering. Why some days are harder to go through more than others? Do I have any part in this? Can I make it easier? Can I just avoid it all together? I found out today that Maybe I can. Well, How? Think of life as a powerful water stream, fight it and it will drown you. Don’t force that conversation nor force that friendship. Don’t pretend to know it all nor try to be always on top of things. Live a little, perfection is impossible. However, little chaos in life can be exactly what you need. I am not talking about chaos as in losing your sanity. More like hitting the road with no destination or turning on your TV and enjoy what’s playing, or show up to a play while knowing nothing about the story or reading reviews beforehand.

Turn your mind off for few minutes every now and then. Life can be stressful, but sometime the hardest part about life can be us standing in our own way, complicating things for our own selves. I heard once they made this study on a group of monkeys, where they put them in a cage and the cage had a banana hanging from the cage ceiling, while it’s also connected to the door with a string. The monkeys that walked into that cage and kept holding that banana, the string pulls the door and locked it in. while the other monkeys that let go of their banana where able to walk out. Well, sometime we need to let go of that banana. It’s the only way to freedom.

Captivating Thoughts!

Beware of Imagining your life instead of living it.

Yes, it’s important to strive for what’s better, do your best to achieve those goals of yours or follow your dreams, but it’s important to enjoy life and what it brings your way at the moment and not trick yourself to live in a fantasy far from reality, yes you can argue but I don’t like anything about my life right now, well think of it as when we were little kids, you can’t go be with your friends until you finish your homework. Sometimes life give you homework. you have to get through it before you get to those nice moments you enjoy. the best way to work with those moments in life is by accepting it, working with it until you get to that moment you enjoy.

You can live in denial refusing to deal with reality or doing the opposite of what you should do. well you are not changing anything by acting this way instead you are just making the reality you are refusing last longer….

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